Hvaš er sjįvartengd feršamennska?

Sjįvartengd feršamennska/feršažjónusta į hug minn mestan um žessar mundir. Ég varš žess heišurs ašnjótandi aš fį aš skilgreina fyrirbrigšiš į vķsindavef Hįskólans. Žaš sem ég hlakka žó talsvert til er aš ég įsamt öšru góšu fólki og fulltrśum frį Leeds Metropolitan University er aš skipuleggja alžjóšlega rįšstefnu um sjįvartengda feršamennsku sem haldin veršur viš Hįskóla Ķslands mįnašarmótin febrśar-mars į nęsta įri.

Viš vitum aušvitaš ekki umfang rįšstefnunnar en sem komiš er, žar eš frestur til aš skila inn įgripum rennur fyrst śt um mišjan desember. En ķ bili er bara aš boša fagnašarerindiš og geri ég žaš hérmeš.

International Conference: Journeys of Expression VII: Celebrating the Edges of the World: Tourism and Festivals of the Coast and Sea

February 29- March 1, 2008
University of Iceland, Reykjavķk
Journeys of Expression VII will bring together researchers who share interests in festivals, cultural events and associated tourism in coastal settings. The conference encourages contributions from contrasting but related theoretical and conceptual approaches from Social Science and Humanities disciplinary perspectives.
Communities inhabiting coastal settlements around the world have long celebrated the harvest of the sea and appeased and appealed to the gods of the ocean through festivals and events. The coast has also been the focus of tourist attraction for many years as a liminal space for mental and physical recreation, whether in large scale seaside resorts, as ports of (dis)-embarkation for cruise and liner passengers, or in remote and beautiful coastal areas and fishing harbours. Here tourists may encounter community celebrations and festivities whether incidentally and unplanned or as packaged by tourism and cultural agencies and operators in coastal locations.
The phenomenon of coastal community festivals and tourism suggests a number of areas for research. How do festival and tourism intersect at the sea shore? What are the distinguishing characteristics of festivals of the coast and sea? How do these vary between communities worldwide? What are the consequences of the decline in fisheries for coastal communities and how do tourism and festivals relate to such decline? How may tourism and festivals contribute to ‘regeneration’ in urban ports that have experienced profound social and economic changes? How have festivals and tourism contributed to change in ‘traditional’ seaside, holiday resorts? What are the implications for tourism and festivals of population changes, whether depopulation as a consequence of economic decline or repopulation in second home ‘communities’? Is the cruise industry itself ‘festivalizing’ and what are the links between this growing sector and tourism and festivals of the coast and sea?
In the tradition of the Journeys of Expression conference series, we wish to encourage an interdisciplinary debate on the suggested themes and welcome paper proposals from academics from various disciplinary backgrounds including: tourism studies, festival studies, geography, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, cultural geography, politics, etc. If you wish to submit a paper proposal, please send a 300-word abstract with full address and institutional affiliation details as an electronic file to Dr. Philip Long (p.e.long@leedsmet.ac.uk). The deadline for the reception of abstracts is 14th December 2007.  

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1 Smįmynd: Jślķus Valsson


Jślķus Valsson, 15.11.2007 kl. 19:15

2 Smįmynd: Anna Karlsdóttir

Jį žęr hafa vķst veriš farnar frį alda öšli!

Anna Karlsdóttir, 15.11.2007 kl. 23:22

3 Smįmynd: Ingólfur Įsgeir Jóhannesson

Breišafjöršur er svo merkilegur aš um nįttśruvernd hans eru sérstök lög eins og Mżvatn og Laxį, en veit ekki hvort er eitthvaš unniš aš žvķ aš koma honum eša hluta hans inn į Ramsarskrįna.

Ingólfur Įsgeir Jóhannesson, 17.11.2007 kl. 16:32

4 Smįmynd: Anna Karlsdóttir

Jį, ég held aš sęferšir hafi įttaš sig į žessu fyrir margt löngu en held raunar aš fleiri ašilar gętu haft af frišuninni gagn. Žaš vęri hęgt aš halda frišuninni mun meira į lofti en gert er ķ feršažjónustunni.

Ég er lķka į žvķ aš fulltrśar umhverfisstofnunar hafi unniš aš žvķ aš koma honum eša hluta hans inn į Ramsarskrįnna, en veit raunar ekki hvar žaš mįl er statt.

Anna Karlsdóttir, 17.11.2007 kl. 17:45

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